Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can you provide an overview of GEB's structure?

The Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) Network is one of the largest and most experienced networks and has been coordinating international employee benefits programmes for multinationals for more than 50 years. In keeping with Generali’s mission to be a trusted leader in international employee benefits, a dedicated strategic business unit (GEB) was established in Brussels, Belgium as a separate entity to serve as the worldwide head office for all international employee benefits operations. In 2019 the headquarters moved to Luxembourg where GEB has set up a new branch. The GEB Network provides worldwide risk evaluation, full technical support, and central coordination of employee benefit plans to more than 1,500 international corporate clients. Through our team of International Benefits Specialists, we provide our clients with the prompt and personalised service that they expect. The GEB Network utilises a three-tiered approach (Central, Regional and Local) to provide high-quality service to its Clients. This approach allows GEB to maintain a consistent, high standard of service locally and centrally. The GEB Head office in Luxembourg is supported by regional offices ad desks worldwide: London, Frankfurt, Prague, Morristown and Hong Kong; as well as Paris, Milan, San Francisco and Mumbai.  The GEB Network is present in more than 120 countries with over 130 local insurers. The GEB Network is based entirely on reinsurance allowing the global portfolio’s risk to be transferred and managed centrally. The centralisation of risk allows for increased control over local service and activity and permits GEB to offer flexible underwriting and financial terms and conditions to multinational Clients.

Could you provide an overview of GEB Network?

Established in 1966, Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) has drawn on the reinsurance capacities of Generali to provide employee benefits solutions to the world’s top multinational companies. GEB Network derives its main competitive advantages from its risk management expertise by using reinsurance, combined with its regional structure and geographic footprint: GEB network maintains regional offices in key markets to be close to their multinational clients and to facilitate global and local decision-making.
Teams of dedicated and globally minded professionals provide easy access to a network of leading insurers - most of which are either Generali companies or exclusive partners - that spans more than 120 countries. Over the past 50 years GEB has become one of the world’s largest employee benefits networks in terms of countries, and it keeps growing according to clients’ needs.
In recent years, the GEB network has greatly expanded its network in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and the Asia Pacific region. Committed to its clients worldwide, GEB’s proactive approach to benefits management facilitates coordination and helps over 1,500 international clients to derive the most from the benefits they provide to their employees around the world, centralising risks, guaranteeing service deliverables and offering more flexible underwriting and attractive financial terms and conditions.
Being a branch of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., GEB is fully supported by its parent company. Assicurazioni Generali’s reputation as a prudent, financially solid insurer has been confirmed and rewarded by the financial community, especially in the recent times of high volatility and widespread financial losses.

How do you measure and manage the quality of your Network companies?

All Generali owned insurers and correspondent Network insurers comply with the service standard requirements imposed by the GEB Head Office and are in line with local market standards. Each local insurer signs with GEB a Network Cooperation Agreement (NCA), a set of documents that outline the scope of the partnership between GEB and its local insurers in order to provide timely and accurate service to clients. The NCA includes a comprehensive set of service deliverables which each local insurer shall guarantee to GEB clients at local level, as well as deliverables pertaining to the relationship between each local insurer and GEB. Through the NCA, GEB’s commitment as a customer services enabler is brought to a higher level of quality, timeliness and accountability over the widest possible key performance indicators at local and central level, which are incorporated in a bespoke Service Level Agreement for GEB clients. Additionally, GEB Regional and Area managers regularly visit our local Network partners, at least on a quarterly basis, to monitor the reinsured business and to identify and address local servicing issues with our clients and intervene when necessary.

In which countries do you provide coverage and which coverages do you provide?

GEB provides group covers (Life, Disability, Accident, Healthcare, Pension) in over 120 countries.

What are the advantages for multinational companies to set up a Pool with GEB?

The Pool is a financial mechanism that allows to combine multiple Employee Benefits contracts, issued in two or more countries where a multinational corporation has its subsidiaries for the purpose of reducing the costs by the payment of a multinational dividend.

Main advantages of such solution are:

  • Cost savings from favorable experience over the  assumptions made in the  premium basis for claims, investment income and expense of administration;
  • Coordinated financial information for each policy in the pool/reporting;
  • Liberalized underwriting terms;
  • Facilitation of  transfer of  staff across borders  with  automatic continuation  of  coverage on the  same underwriting terms; 
Is there an additional cost to pay to set up a Pool?

GEB factors central admistrative charges in the Pool accounting for the management of the International Programme. 

No additional fee is charged to set up a Pool.

What is the environmental policy at GEB?

The Group Policy for the Environment and Climate (2019) reiterates the commitment of Generali in safeguarding the environment and includes the guiding principles by which the strategies and goals of Group companies’ Environmental management must abide in order to ensure:

- Protection of the environment

- Prevention of pollution

- Protection and conservation of biodiversity

- An appropriate response to the challenges posed by climate change

Additional details can be found here: https://www.generali.com/our-responsibilities/our-commitment-to-the-environment-and-climate